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Guangdong Rich Packing Machinery Co., Ltd..Hat eine Geschichte von 28 Jahren Erfahrung in der Herstellung von pharmazeutischen Maschinen und Verpackungen.


Guangdong Rich Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. hat eine Geschichte von 28 Jahren Erfahrung in der Herstellung von pharmazeutischen Maschinen und Verpackungsmaschinen.

Video der NJP 1500 Kapselfüllmaschine
NJP-3800D High Speed Capsule Filling Machine
Video der Kapselfüllmaschine NJP 400C
CGNT-209 Capsule Filling Machine Semi Automatic
CGN-208D Semi Automatic Capsule Filling Machine
video von Automatische Kapselfüllmaschine
NJYF-1000C Liquid Capsule Filling Machine
NJP-1200C Capsule Filling Machine
CGN-208L Semi Automatic Liquid Capsule Filling Machine
DPH-270Max Roller Blister Packing Machine
heiße Produkte

Guangdong Rich Packing Machinery Co., Ltd..Hat eine Geschichte von 28 Jahren Erfahrung in der Herstellung von pharmazeutischen Maschinen und Verpackungen.

capsulator machine
NJP 1500D Kapselverkapselungsmaschine
Die Kapselbefüllung ist ein wichtiges Glied in der Pharma- und Verpackungsindustrie, und Produktionseffizienz und Kapselqualität hängen von der gewählten Abfüllausrüstung ab. Der Kapselfüller NJP-1500D für pharmazeutische Kapseln erfüllt die Anforderungen für eine effiziente und stabile Produktion mit einer maximalen Leistung von 90.000 pharmazeutischen Kapseln in einer Stunde.
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capsule encapsulation filling machine
NJP 3800D Kapselverkapselungsfüllmaschine
Wir stellen Ihnen die pharmazeutische Kapselfüllmaschine NJP-3800D vor, eine hochmoderne Lösung für die Kapselfüllung großer Mengen in der Pharmaindustrie. Mit einer maximalen Abfüllleistung von 228.000 Kapseln pro Stunde ist diese Maschine mit einer BEKER-Vakuumpumpe und einer Vakuum-Pulverfördermaschine ausgestattet und eignet sich daher ideal für groß angelegte Kapselabfüllungen.
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Press Tablet Machine Rotary
Automatische Rotationstablettenpresse ZP 29D
ZP 29D 14 Tage Lieferzeit | 3 Jahre Garantie | automatische Rotationstablettenpresse zur Herstellung von Tablettenarten | rund | Ring | speziell | mehrfarbig | pharmazeutische Tablettenpresse | ZP 29d für die industrielle Herstellung von Tabletten | automatisches Hochgeschwindigkeits-Tablettenpressen | produzieren zp 29d Tablettenpresse seit 1993 | Neupreis | für Tablettenpresse in verschiedene Formen | Tür-zu-Tür-Vor-Ort-Service in Übersee anbieten | bestanden SGS / CE / ISO / cgmp
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Counting Machine For Soft Gel Capsule
RQ-16B Automatische Kapseltabletten-Zählmaschinenlinie
RQ-16B Zähllinie Auf Lager, 7 Tage Lieferzeit, Kernzählgenauigkeit>99,97%. Kapazität oben bis 100 Flaschen/Min. 7 * 24 Stunden Dauerbetrieb, die Quelle direkt ab Werk! Produzieren RQ-16B Pille Tabletten-Kapsel-Süßigkeiten-Gummi-Zählmaschinenlinie seit dem Jahr 1993. RQ-16B Automatische Zählerzählung Abfüllmaschine Line Source Factory. Lokaler Vor-Ort-Service
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Counting Machine For Candy Gummy
RQ-16R Automatische Candy Gummy Zählmaschinenlinie
Candy Gummy Zähllinie auf Lager, 7 Tage Lieferzeit, die Kernzählgenauigkeit > 99,97 %. Die Kapazität beträgt 5 bis 80 Flaschen/Min. 7 * 24 Stunden Dauerbetrieb, führende Fabrik direkt! Herstellung von Tablet-Kapsel-Süßigkeits-Gummi-Zählmaschinenlinie seit dem Jahr 1993. Automatische Zähl-Abfüllzähler-Maschinenlinie Source Factory. Vor-Ort-Service von Zählmaschinen, Etikettiermaschinen und der Alufolienversiegelungsmaschine usw.
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gummy bear counting machine
DSL-8D Gummi-Zählfüllmaschine
Mit der Zähl-Flaschenfüllmaschine DSL-8D für Bonbons und Gummibonbons ist die Verarbeitung der Verpackung von Gummibonbons wie das Spielen eines herausfordernden Puzzles, das feine Technologie und genaues Mischen erfordert, um viele Änderungen in der Viskosität, Form, dem Querschnitt usw. der Gummibonbons zu bewältigen. Die vielfältigen Geschmacksrichtungen machen diesen Prozess reichhaltiger und komplexer. Allerdings hat das Aufkommen der 8-Kanal-Gummidosiermaschine DSL-8D die Spielregeln völlig verändert. Das einzigartige Design und die überlegene Leistung dieser Maschine machen sie einzigartig unter anderen Geräten.
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blister capsule package machine
160pro DPP Blisterverpackungsmaschine
Die Blisterverpackungs-Tablettenkapselmaschine DPP 160 definiert pharmazeutische Verpackungen neu und ist auf die präzise Verpackung von Tabletten und Kapseln spezialisiert. Die Pharma-Blistermaschine DPP 160 Pro bietet Vielseitigkeit durch mehrere Zuführsysteme und eignet sich für Aluminium-Aluminium- und Aluminium-Kunststoff-Blisterformate und erreicht eine beeindruckende Produktionsleistung von bis zu 4200 Platten pro Stunde.
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semi auto capsule filler
Halbautomatische Kapselfüllmaschine
Ausreichender Bestand an CGNT209 Lieferzeit von nur 10 Tagen, einerseits ist der Preis gut, da 1993 mit der Produktion von halbautomatischen Doppelkopf-Kapselfüllmaschinen begonnen wurde. Auto oder Halbauto nach Kundenwunsch, Langzeitgarantie für drei Jahre. Kapseln werden in den Größen #000 bis #5 mit halbaktiver Genauigkeit gefüllt. Die CGNT-209-Modelle haben die SGS-, CE-, ISO-, UL- und cGMP-Spezifikationen bestanden.
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Why Choose Us

Guangdong Rich Packing Machinery Co., Ltd. has a history of 28 years experience in manufacturing pharmaceutical machinery and packing machinery.

Über uns

Willkommen zu Guangdong Rich Packing Machinery Co., Ltd.

Über uns
Richpacking Wir sind Richpacking – Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für Prozess- und Verpackungstechnik in der Pharma- und Verpackungsindustrie. Ob Einzelmaschinen, integrierte Linie oder Dienstleistungen: Richpacking bietet Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Turnkey-Lösungen und Vor-Ort-Support. Herstellung seit 1993, Werkstatt 7.996 m 2 Was auch immer Ihre Bedürfnisse sind, unser Produktportfolio deckt Sie ab: von der Kapselfüllung über das Tablettenpressen bis hin zum Zählen, Verblistern und Kartonieren. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere langjährige Expertise und Technologien, gemeinsam werden wir Ihrem Unternehmen zu...

Willkommen zu Guangdong Rich Packing Machinery Co., Ltd.

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Capsule Maschinenproduktionswerkstatt
Capsule Maschinenproduktionswerkstatt
Blisterverpackungsmaschine Werkstatt
Blisterverpackungsmaschine Werkstatt
Zählmaschine Produktionswerkstatt
Zählmaschine Produktionswerkstatt
Tablet Press-Produktionsworkshop
Tablet Press-Produktionsworkshop
 Karton Maschinenproduktionswerkstatt.
Karton Maschinenproduktionswerkstatt.
SEMI Auto Capsule Maschinenwerkstatt
SEMI Auto Capsule Maschinenwerkstatt

Willkommen zu Guangdong Rich Packing Machinery Co., Ltd.

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Rich Packing Zählmaschine CE-Zertifizierung
Rich Packing Zählmaschine CE-Zertifizierung
Rich Packing CE-Zertifizierung der Kapselfüllmaschine CE
Rich Packing CE-Zertifizierung der Kapselfüllmaschine CE
Rich Packing Tablet-Pressemaschine CE-Zertifizierung
Rich Packing Tablet-Pressemaschine CE-Zertifizierung
Rich Packing Karton Maschinen-CE-Zertifizierung.
Rich Packing Karton Maschinen-CE-Zertifizierung.
Rich Packing Beschichtungsmaschine CE-Zertifizierung
Rich Packing Beschichtungsmaschine CE-Zertifizierung
Rich Packing Kissenverpackungsmaschine CE-Zertifizierung
Rich Packing Kissenverpackungsmaschine CE-Zertifizierung
Rich Packing Verpackungsmaschine CE-Zertifizierung
Rich Packing Verpackungsmaschine CE-Zertifizierung
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Guangdong Rich Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. hat eine Geschichte von 28 Jahren Erfahrung in der Herstellung von pharmazeutischen Maschinen und Verpackungsmaschinen.

Irish Pharmaceutical Company Introduces Capsule Filling and Counting Line with Rich Packing
Irish Pharmaceutical Company Introduces Capsule Filling and Counting Line with Rich Packing

In Guangzhou, China, an Irish delegation led by Mr. Ryan visited the headquarters of Rich Packing, a leading Chinese pharmaceutical and packaging machinery manufacturer. The purpose of the visit was to explore the purchase of cutting-edge equipment, specifically the NJP3800D high-speed capsule filling machine and the 16-channel capsule counting and bottling line.     During the visit, Mr. Ryan took a comprehensive tour of Rich Packing's facilities and witnessed first-hand the advanced engineering technology and manufacturing capabilities behind the machinery. The NJP3800D high-speed capsule filling machine is known for its reliability and efficiency, capable of producing thousands of capsules per minute while maintaining strict quality control. The 16-channel capsule counting and bottling line is designed to automate the entire process of capsule counting, sorting and bottling, thereby improving productivity and accuracy.     Rich Packing is recognized by the European, American and Southeast Asian markets for its commitment to innovation and quality, and has developed a series of cutting-edge pharmaceutical and packaging solutions over the years. Our machines are designed to meet the stringent requirements of the pharmaceutical industry, ensuring that every capsule produced meets the highest standards.   Speaking of the visit, Mr. Ryan said: "We are impressed by the level of technology and expertise demonstrated by Rich Packing. The NJP3800D high-speed capsule filling machine and 16-channel capsule counting and bottling line will be an important addition to our business, enabling us to meet the growing demand for high-quality pharmaceutical products."     Rich Packing representative Nicole shared their enthusiasm for the cooperation: "We are very pleased to welcome Mr. Ryan and his team to our headquarters. Our goal is to provide them with state-of-the-art, reliable machinery and equipment to help them achieve their production goals. We look forward to a fruitful cooperation that will benefit both companies and ultimately patients around the world."     The visit ended with a discussion on production line layout, order delivery dates, transportation, after-sales service and on-site training in Europe to ensure a smooth transition of the equipment to the Irish factory. Both parties are confident in future cooperation and look forward to expanding their business relationship.   About Rich Packing is a leading pharmaceutical and packaging machinery manufacturer dedicated to providing innovative solutions to meet the needs of the global pharmaceutical industry. Focusing on quality and reliability, the company offers a range of products including high-speed capsule filling machines and automated bottling lines.

Weiterlesen Aug 15, 2024
UAE Delegation Purchases High-Speed Rotary Tablet Press
UAE Delegation Purchases High-Speed Rotary Tablet Press

Rich Packing, Guangzhou, China, August 6, 2024, a distinguished delegation from the United Arab Emirates visited the headquarters of Guangdong Rich Packing, a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical and packaging machinery in Guangzhou, China. The purpose of the visit was to discuss the purchase of Rich Packing's high-speed rotary tablet press, a cutting-edge product designed to meet the growing demand for tablet manufacturing in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical markets.     During the meeting, Rich Packing's representative Emmy gave a comprehensive introduction to the features, functions and potential benefits of the high-speed rotary tablet press to the UAE pharmaceutical industry. The delegation showed great interest in the machine's high capacity, advanced automation and ability to produce consistent and excellent quality tablets.   "We are very honored to host distinguished guests from the UAE and look forward to exploring opportunities for cooperation," said Petty Fu, CEO of Rich Packing. "Our high-speed rotary tablet press represents the latest advancement in tablet manufacturing technology, and we believe it will play an important role in supporting the growth of the UAE pharmaceutical industry."     The one-day visit also included a tour of Rich Packing's modern manufacturing facility, where the delegation witnessed first-hand the precision engineering and strict quality control processes behind each machine produced by the company. The delegation was impressed by the level of craftsmanship and innovative design features of the high-speed rotary tablet press.   After the visit, the two sides had an in-depth discussion on technical specifications, customization options, and logistics details for delivery and installation. The UAE delegation is confident in Rich Packing's capabilities and expressed a strong interest in moving forward with the purchase.     "Rich Packing's high-speed rotary tablet press is exactly what we need to increase our production capacity," said Jardine, a representative of the UAE delegation. "We are excited about the future introduction of this advanced technology and believe it will play a key role in supporting the development of the local pharmaceutical industry."   This visit marks an important milestone in the partnership between Rich Packing and the UAE, highlighting the company's commitment to providing top-notch pharmaceutical machinery to the international market. Both parties are optimistic about the future cooperation and promised to work together to finalize the details of the transaction.     Guangdong Rich Packing is a leading pharmaceutical and packaging machinery manufacturer specializing in the design and production of high-quality equipment for the global pharmaceutical industry. Committed to innovation and excellence, the company offers a range of products including high-speed rotary tablet presses, tablet coaters and capsule filling machi...

Weiterlesen Aug 08, 2024
Rich Packing Plant Upgrade, Comprehensively Improve Production Capacity
Rich Packing Plant Upgrade, Comprehensively Improve Production Capacity

August 1, 2024 Rich Packing, a leading pharmaceutical and packaging machinery manufacturer, announced today that it has completed a major upgrade of its production workshop and plant. The upgrade marks an important step for the company to improve production efficiency, expand production capacity and strengthen technological innovation.   '   Rich Packing's latest plant upgrade covers multiple aspects, including the introduction of advanced CNC machining center production equipment, optimization of workshop layout and improvement of manufacturing processes. These measures will significantly improve our company's production capacity for pharmaceutical and packaging machinery, ensure faster response to market demand, and also lay a solid foundation for future growth.   Upgrade Highlights   Introduction of advanced production equipment: Added multiple high-precision machining centers and automated assembly lines, greatly improving production efficiency and product quality.     Optimized workshop layout: By replanning the workshop layout, the allocation of raw materials and parts is optimized, and the overall production process is improved.   Improved manufacturing process: Upgraded international standardized lean production and 6S management methods, further reducing waste and improving production efficiency.   Strengthening quality control: Upgraded quality inspection equipment and technology to ensure that every machine and equipment shipped out of the factory can meet customer order requirements and the highest standards.   Petty Fu, CEO of Rich Packing, said: "This upgrade is an important measure for our continued investment in technological innovation and production capacity. We are committed to providing customers with the best quality products and services, and this upgrade will further consolidate our leading position in the industry."     With the commissioning of the new production line, Rich Packing expects to significantly increase its production capacity in the next few months, including capsule filling machines, tablet presses, tablet capsule counters, cartoning machines, blister packaging machines, etc., to meet the growing demand for solid dosage machinery and equipment in the domestic and foreign markets. In addition, the company's R&D team will also use the latest technical facilities to accelerate the development cycle of new products and provide customers with more innovative solutions.   Guangdong Rich Packing will continue to uphold its mission to drive the pharmaceutical and packaging machinery industry forward through continuous technological innovation and excellent customer service.

Weiterlesen Aug 02, 2024
Solving Problem of Chinese Medicine Pill Tablet Bottling
Solving Problem of Chinese Medicine Pill Tablet Bottling

Rich Packing, which has been deeply involved in the field of pharmaceutical and packaging machinery for many years, has once again solved the industry problem of Chinese medicine pill counting and bottling with its outstanding innovation ability and profound technical accumulation, and won high praise from HKHFA.     This time, Jessie, a representative of HKHFA, and his team visited our company to seek solutions to the problems that have long plagued its counting machine production line, such as low efficiency of Chinese medicine pill tablet bottling and inaccurate counting. As a company focusing on health care product packaging production in Hong Kong, HKHFA urgently needs to improve the bottling speed and accuracy of its pills in the face of growing market demand to improve overall production efficiency.     Faced with this problem raised by the customer, our senior engineers at Rich Packing analyzed the characteristics of the Chinese medicine pills that needed to be packaged and the limitations of the existing bottling process on site. By using advanced sensor technology and intelligent control systems, a customized Chinese medicine pill counting and bottling solution was proposed within an hour.   This solution not only greatly improves the production speed of the pill tablet counting and bottling machine, reaching a bottling efficiency of 200 pills per bottle and 100 bottles per minute, but also achieves accurate counting with almost zero error, ensuring the quantity consistency and quality stability of each bottle of Chinese medicine pills.     In our on-site actual machine demonstration, the excellent performance of this solution was intuitively demonstrated. Jessie spoke highly of our solution: "Rich Packing's Chinese medicine pill counting and bottling solution not only solves our long-standing production bottleneck, but also brings us unprecedented production efficiency and quality control level. We sincerely thank you for your professional ability and cooperative attitude."   Our Nicole said: "We are very honored to provide HKHFA with a satisfactory solution. We look forward to more in-depth cooperation with you."     The successful implementation of this innovative solution not only demonstrates our leading position in the pharmaceutical and packaging machinery fields, but also further consolidates the cooperative relationship with HKHFA, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation between the two parties in more fields. Rich Packing will continue to uphold the concept of "technological innovation, service first", and is committed to providing more efficient and intelligent pharmaceutical and packaging solutions to global customers, and work together to create a better future.

Weiterlesen Jul 16, 2024
On-site Inspection from Wellgreen in Serbia
On-site Inspection from Wellgreen in Serbia

Today marks another glorious moment in the cooperation between Rich Packing and Wellgreen. Mr. Dooshan, a senior representative of Wellgreen, traveled from Belgrade, Serbia to Guangzhou to visit the Rich Packing headquarters and conduct a comprehensive and rigorous on-site inspection of the latest series of pharmaceutical and packaging machinery delivered. This batch of machinery is powerful, including tablet capsule counting machine, semi-automatic capsule filling machine, rotary tablet press, capsule polishing machine and powder mixing machine, each of which carries Rich Packing's unremitting pursuit of excellent quality.     At the inspection site, Mr. Dooshan was deeply impressed by Rich Packing's exquisite craftsmanship and strict quality control. He especially appreciated the excellent performance of the CGNT-209 semi-automatic capsule filling machine and rotary tablet press. The design of these two equipments is not only very convenient for staff to operate and maintain, but also greatly improves production efficiency. It fully reflects Rich Packing's profound background in mechanical design and manufacturing, and also indicates that this batch of machines will play a key role in Wellgreen's production line, helping to achieve a double leap in production efficiency and product quality.     Mr. Dooshan said excitedly: "Rich Packing is not only a trustworthy partner, but also a leader in the industry. The complete success of this inspection fully proves their ultimate pursuit and commitment to product quality. We are confidently looking forward to the excellent performance of this batch of equipment in actual production, and believe that they will inject strong momentum into Wellgreen's business development."     In this regard, Ms. Emmy, the sales manager of Rich Packing, is very proud: "Every cooperation with Wellgreen makes us feel honored. Today's inspection is not only an affirmation of our product quality, but also a symbol of trust and cooperation between the two parties. We will continue to adhere to high standards and strict requirements, and strive to provide industry-leading solutions, work with Wellgreen, and create a better future."     As a well-known health care product company in Belgrade, Serbia, Wellgreen's successful on-site inspection not only further deepened its strategic partnership with Rich Packing, but also opened up a broader space for long-term cooperation between the two parties. Guided by the common vision and goal, Rich Packing and Wellgreen will go hand in hand, with innovation as the wing and quality as the foundation, jointly write a new chapter in the field of pharmaceutical and packaging machinery, and start a more brilliant journey of cooperation.  

Weiterlesen Jul 15, 2024
Capsule VS tablet. Which is a better option?
Capsule VS tablet. Which is a better option?

 If you need medicines or dietary supplements to cure your disease or improve your health status, capsules and tablets are the most usually seen oral dosage forms, and they are important options that effect the way medications are absorbed in your body.       Tablet or capsule? When it comes to the issue of capsule vs tablet, we need to make a rational decision. Outwardly, capsules and tablets are different in their shapes and sizes, and they also differ in the aspects of swallowing difficulty, dissolvability, internal availability, sensitivity to environment, etc. This essay will analyze benefits and drawbacks of capsules and tablets, helping you make a better choice when facing the two options.   What Are Capsules?       Knowing basic knowledge of capsules and tablets is essential for you to understand the difference between capsule and tablet.   There are two main types of capsule: hard-shell capsules and soft-shell capsules, respectively used for containing powdered or granular ingredients, and containing liquid formulations. A majority of capsule shells are made of gelatin, while others are made of vegetable (friendly to vegetarians). Samples of these capsule types are shown in pictures below.   No matter what kind of shell is, both hard shells and soft shells are digestible, letting powder and granules enclosed in capsule shells be released in your body. Capsules are soluble, ideal for containing medications which need a rapid efficacy.       Capsules contain mainly medical or health supplement ingredients. Compared to tablets, capsules have less inactive components, to some degree reducing drug allergy. A significant benefit is that capsules are easier to swallow with water.   What Are Tablets?       Tablets are a solid dosage form for the most frequent use in pharmaceutical and health supplement industries. Typically, tablets are small, round or oval objects produced to be ingested orally. They are produced by compressing powder into solid pieces of different shapes and sizes.   In terms of composition, tablets mainly contain active pharmaceutical ingredients— the “API”, while other components include fillers (for increasing the tablet bulk especially when API is of a small amount), binders (for holding a tablet together), disintegrants (help a tablet break apart in gastrointestinal tracts, releasing API), lubricants (for reducing friction between tablets and the equipment at production stages), and coatings (for improving flavors or protecting tablets from dissolving in the stomach).   Tablets are easy to be taken along, and it’s convenient to carry them in a paper box or a plastic container. Not susceptible to moisture and light, tablets are unlikely to decay when being exposed to air, offering longer shelf life and higher stability compared to capsules or liquid drugs.   Comparing capsules and tablets, which suits...

Weiterlesen Feb 07, 2025
How Pharmaceutical Packaging Differ in Types and Levels?
How Pharmaceutical Packaging Differ in Types and Levels?

Pharmaceutical packaging means a lot to medical and pharmaceutical industries, protecting medications from being damaged by environmental factors such as light, heat, humidity and other forms of contamination. It can also prevent the chemical composition of medications from being tampered.       The packaging plays a vital role in ensuring the safety, effectiveness and quality stability of medicines and drugs. This article will show different levels and types of pharmaceutical packaging, followed by their benefits, describing how the medicine packaging is achieved.   What are different levels of pharmaceutical packaging? Three levels exist when it comes to medicine package. They are primary, secondary and tertiary pharmaceutical packaging.       Primary Packaging Produced to protect medicines’ quality and chemical composition, primary packaging refers to the material that makes direct contact with pharmaceuticals. There are some kinds of this material, such as a container of pills.   Tablets and capsules are mostly stored in blister packs and bottles, while liquid drugs are often packaged in ampoules and vials.   · Blister packs: are typically seen in forms of aluminum-PVC and aluminum-aluminum blister packs. They provide individual compartments for each capsule, tablet or pill, protect pharmaceutical products by providing a shelter against humidity, dust and other kinds of contaminant, for medications need a stable condition to keep their efficacy. In terms of product integrity, the design of blister packs is to be tamper-evident. If a blister is used or opened, it’s difficult to restore it, ensuring the product integrity and strengthening consumers’ confidence that their pills have not ever been tampered.     blister packs   · Pill bottles: contain solid medicines like capsules and tablets, and sometimes contain liquid drugs. These bottles are commonly made of plastic or glass, and glass bottles are mostly in brown or orange for protecting content from ultraviolet light.     pill bottles   · Sachets: are small, sealed pouches or packets used to package powdered or granular medications and health supplements. They are lightweight and easy to take along with, offering portability and convenience of use.     sachets   · Soft tubes: contain liquid drugs like eyedrops and unguent. · Vials: are small glass containers for medicine, usually containing medicines in the form of liquid or powder.     vials   · Ampoules: are smaller glass containers, produced to contain a very small number of liquid drugs used for an injection.   ampoule   Secondary Packaging Secondary packaging refers to containers that protect the primary packaging material, and provide information of pharma’s branding and medicine use directions on the surface of packaging m...

Weiterlesen Feb 07, 2025
5 Key Considerations for Selecting a Capsule Filling Machine
5 Key Considerations for Selecting a Capsule Filling Machine

When selecting a capsule filling machine, making the right choice can significantly enhance your production efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with industry standards. This guide walks you through five critical factors to help you make an informed decision.     1. Production Capacity and Scalability Evaluate Your Current and Future Production Needs The first step in choosing a capsule filling machine is understanding your production requirements. Consider the following: · Batch Size: How many capsules do you need to produce per hour or shift? High-speed machines are ideal for large-scale production, while smaller machines suit R&D or small batches. · Growth Potential: Will your production volumes increase in the future? Scalable machines allow you to expand capacity without major investments. · Capsule Types and Sizes: Ensure the machine supports the range of capsule sizes and types (e.g., gelatin, vegetarian) you plan to use. Capsule Filling Machine Output   Machine Type Output Capacity (Capsules/Hour) Best For Manual Machines Up to 5,000 Small-scale or R&D Semi-Automatic 20,000–40,000 Medium-scale production Fully Automatic Over 100,000 Large-scale manufacturing   2. Compliance With Industry Standards Regulatory Compliance Matters Pharmaceutical production is highly regulated, so your capsule filling machine must meet standards such as: · Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): Machines should feature easy-to-clean designs to minimize contamination risks. · FDA Regulations: Ensure the equipment complies with material safety and operational guidelines. · CE Marking: For machines used in Europe, CE certification guarantees adherence to health, safety, and environmental standards. Material Considerations Select machines built with pharmaceutical-grade stainless steel. This ensures durability, hygiene, and compliance with regulatory standards.   3. Automation Level and Technology Integration Understand Automation Options Capsule filling machines are available in manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic models. Your choice depends on your production scale and workforce capabilities: · Manual Machines: Ideal for small-scale or experimental runs. · Semi-Automatic Machines: Combine manual intervention with automated processes, offering a balance between cost and output. · Fully Automatic Machines: Minimize human involvement, providing high precision, efficiency, and consistency. Advanced Features to Look For · Touchscreen Interfaces: Simplifies machine operation and monitoring. · IoT Connectivity: Enables real-time performance tracking and maintenance alerts. · Error Detection Systems: Automatically identify and reject defective capsules.     4. Machine Versatility and Customization Flexibili...

Weiterlesen Jan 17, 2025
The World’s Top 10 Tablet Press Machine Manufacturers of 2025
The World’s Top 10 Tablet Press Machine Manufacturers of 2025

Choosing the right tablet press machine manufacturer is crucial for pharmaceutical companies aiming for efficiency, precision, and scalability. This article highlights the top 10 manufacturers in 2025, providing you with the insights needed to make informed decisions.     The Leading Tablet Press Machine Manufacturers of 2025 1. Fette Compacting Overview Fette Compacting, headquartered in Schwarzenbek, Germany, is a global leader in tablet press technology. The company is renowned for producing high-performance machines that cater to the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries. With a focus on innovation, precision, and efficiency, Fette has set benchmarks in tablet compression technology. Main Products and Technological Advantages Products:Fette Compacting offers a range of rotary tablet presses, including the popular FE Series. These machines are designed to optimize productivity while maintaining exceptional quality standards. Technological Advantages: · Multi-Layer Compression: Fette's FE Series excels in producing multi-layer tablets, ensuring uniformity and integrity across layers. · Integrated Automation: Advanced automation features like process monitoring and control minimize human error and enhance efficiency. · Modular Design: Machines can be customized with various modules for specialized production needs. · Global Service Network: Fette ensures excellent after-sales service, providing comprehensive training and rapid support for maintenance and repairs.   2. IMA Group Overview IMA Group, based in Bologna, Italy, is a leading manufacturer of packaging and processing equipment, including tablet presses. Known for their commitment to innovation and sustainability, IMA serves pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries globally. Main Products and Technological Advantages Products:IMA’s PREXIMA Series is their flagship tablet press line, designed for superior performance and flexibility in tablet production. Technological Advantages: · Precision Engineering: PREXIMA tablet presses feature accurate dosing mechanisms, ensuring consistent tablet weight and uniformity. · User-Friendly Design: With intuitive interfaces and quick-change tooling, these machines are designed for operational ease. · Energy Efficiency: IMA integrates energy-saving technologies to reduce operational costs and environmental impact. · Versatility: Capable of handling diverse formulations, including challenging powders, making them ideal for R&D and high-volume production.   3. Rich Packing Overview Rich Packing, a Chinese company with a strong international presence, has emerged as a trusted name in tablet press and capsule filling machinery. Their focus on innovation and quality has made them a preferred choice for pharmaceutical manufacturers worldwide. Main Products and Technological Advantages Products:The HZP-26-40D High-Sp...

Weiterlesen Jan 17, 2025
How to Customize Blister Packing for Different Products
How to Customize Blister Packing for Different Products

Blister packing is a versatile solution in the pharmaceutical industry, offering a blend of product protection, dosing accuracy, and visual appeal. However, not all products are the same, and customizing blister packing to suit specific requirements is crucial for optimal functionality and presentation. This guide explains how you can tailor blister packing to meet the diverse needs of pharmaceutical products, from tablets and capsules to specialty items. You’ll discover strategies, tools, and insights to ensure your blister packaging aligns with your product's unique demands.     What Is Blister Packing? Blister packing involves sealing individual products within pre-formed cavities, typically made of plastic or aluminum, with a backing material like foil or paperboard. It’s widely used in pharmaceuticals for solid dosage forms, medical devices, and nutraceuticals. Advantages of Blister Packing · Protection: Shields products from moisture, light, and contamination. · Precision: Ensures accurate dosing and portioning. · Ease of Use: Enhances consumer convenience with easy-to-open designs. Customization plays a key role in ensuring blister packing meets specific product and market requirements.   Why Customize Blister Packing? 1. Product-Specific Needs Different products have unique properties, such as sensitivity to moisture or light. Customization ensures packaging offers the right level of protection. 2. Regulatory Compliance Pharmaceutical packaging must meet stringent regulatory standards. Customization helps you adhere to these guidelines while maintaining efficiency. 3. Branding and Market Appeal Tailored blister packs enhance product presentation, making your brand more recognizable and appealing to consumers. 4. Optimized Storage and Distribution Custom blister packaging designs reduce storage space requirements and ensure easy handling during transportation.   Steps to Customize Blister Packing for Different Products 1. Identify Product Requirements The first step is to analyze your product’s specific needs. · Product Sensitivity: Assess factors like moisture, light, or temperature sensitivity. · Size and Shape: Consider the dimensions and geometry of the product. · Quantity per Pack: Determine whether single or multi-dose packaging is required.  2. Material Selection The choice of materials significantly influences your blister packaging's effectiveness. Consider these essential components: Forming Films · PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride): Standard option offering good barrier properties · PVDC (Polyvinylidene Chloride): Enhanced moisture barrier · COC (Cyclic Olefin Copolymer): Superior moisture protection · PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate): Excellent clarity and recyclability Lidding Materials · Aluminum foil: Premium barrier properties · Paper-backed foil: E...

Weiterlesen Jan 13, 2025
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